Sunday, May 13, 2012

How To Get A Guy To Like You Again

How do you get a guy to like you again? That's a terrific question. It deserves a thoughtful answer.

Before continuing, we need to discuss something else first. That is, do you really want to get this guy to like you again? In the other words, are you sure you want this guy back? Maybe you don't. Perhaps you feel lonely and just want him back because you haven't met anyone else. Don't roll your eyes. It's possible. It is.

Okay. You are sure you want to get him to like you again. You've decided that you made a mistake and want him back. Or, you ignored the guy until he stopped paying attention to you and now you want him to start paying attention to you again. Whatever the reason, you want him to like you again. Is this even possible?

Yes, it is. A guy might not like to be told this, and might not want to know this either, but it's true. A gal intent on getting a guy back can more times than guys want to acknowledge do so. How?

The number one way is to reconnect with him. That means first eye contact, then voice contact. When you see him, smile at him. Let your eyes do the talking. With your face lit up, give him a big warm "hello, and how are you" look or "hello, you look awfully good" look. Something special needs to be communicated from your face to his without any words being spoken. After you have smiled at him a few times, and spoken silently with your eyes and face, it's time to actually speak to him.

You could seek his advice on something or compliment him on what he is wearing. You could also tell him something you recently learned about that you know he would be interested in hearing about. Such as? Well, an upcoming concert or movie. You can even tell him about a newly open restaurant serving the food you know he always liked to eat.

The way to get a guy to like you again is to remind him that you are special and he deserves to be with special you. Pay him some attention. Listen to his concerns. Become friends with him again. You can even acknowledge that perhaps you made a mistake and want another chance of being involved with him.

Guys like attention. Guys like to be sought after just as much as gals do. They respond to kindness, thoughtfulness and really do like to be listened to. Find out where he hangs out, and be there at times he is there. Make comments to his friends that you are interested in him again. His friends will let him know.

Most important, how to get a guy to like you again takes time and patience. If you were mean to him, disappointed him or outright hurt him, he's not going to come back so easily. You need to gain his trust. Everyone makes mistakes; everyone is human. There's a saying "to err is human, to forgive is divine." Just because it didn't work out the first time, doesn't mean all is lost forever. Remember, you are strong... you are invincible... you are a woman. Go and get him.

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